音乐“Because of You”不为人知的故事

Because of you 因为你 I am afraid 我如此畏惧 I lose my way 我迷失了 And it‘s not too long before you point it out 在你发现前那一刻 I can not cry 我不能哭泣 Because I know that's weakness in your eyes 因为在你眼中这就是脆弱 ...

For many months, both stars haverefused to commenton thestatusof their relationship and there have been rumours of the couple getting engaged again. However with this very ...

环球在线消息:如果上苍能再给F.I.R一个机会,这兄妹仨肯定会毫不犹豫地选择将《Fly Away》《Lydia》和《我们的爱》三首歌曲平均分配到他们的三张专辑里,改变现在这种第一张与后两张专辑...

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